iRestora PLUS

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It happens in a restaurant that you need to sell an item the same as you purchased it from the supplier. And requires no preparation from your end. Like water bottles, cold drinks etc.

These are called products in this system.

Products are specially treated in this system like when you create a product from the food menu the system will automatically create it as an ingredient too and allow you to purchase and sell both for that item.

Go to the "Item" section from the left menu then select the food menu type  "Product".

Here additional some fields need to be understood. And the system will add an ingredient with the same name automatically if you add the product type food menu.

Purchase Price: System will consider this field in the ingredient profile.

Low Quantity: System will consider this field in the ingredient profile to separate the low stock manager.

Ingredient Category: System will consider this field in ingredient profile.

Let’s save it.

Let’s check the ingredients list.

This is a product type ingredient, if you want to edit/delete then, go to the food menu list and take your action and then the system will update the ingredient.

Add some stock for this ingredient.

Save it and then check ingredient stock which is added in the purchase.

How it works on the POS screen, so let’s place an order.

Check ingredient stock has been deducted after the sale.


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