In case you no more want to run the software where you have installed and want to install it elsewhere:
Note: Once you uninstall this script, you will not be able to use it here.
Then Uninstall it:
Enter your envato Username and Purchase code then click on Submit. If the system is able to verify it then you will get the next step.
Install again following the usual procedure in documentation.
In case you want to move the copy from where you have installed to another place:
Note: Once you uninstall this script here then you will not be able to use it here.
Then Uninstall it-
Enter your envato Username and Purchase code then click on Submit. If the system is able to verify it then you will get the next step.
Now go to your database and select. After that click on the Export button from your phpMyAdmin and Export it.
ZIP Source code.
After generating the zip file then upload and extract it in your server.
Import Database in your new server from phpMyAdmin.
Upload and extract source code.
Install again following the usual procedure in documentation.
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