Expense items" are the names of the expenses category.
On the other hand, "Expenses" are business expenses.
Here you can add the date-wise expense of how much money you have spent on your business. Business expense accounts are kept here.
Expand the "Expense" module, and click on the "Add Expense Item" menu
Fill up the required field
Hit the submit button to add Expense item
Expand the "Expense" module, and click on the "List Expense Item" menu
In the "List Expense Item" you can see lists of expenses, and have the facility to edit and delete them
Click on the "Add Expense" menu to Add Expense
Fill up the required field
Select expense category, The category is the name of the sector in which you want to spend.
Click the "Amount" field. Enter the amount of expense.
Click the "Date" field. Enter expense date.
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